What is the loan period for ILL (Inter-Library Loan) books/items that are checked out?
Well, it all depends. The average shipping time for books in OCLC (ILL servicer for libraries) is 4 days, one way, if the library is in the same state, and longer than 4 days, the further away the request is, as far as proximity. Also, it just depends on the library supplying the book. Some ILLs can loan titles/materials up to two months. The 3 week rule on check-outs from the Franklin library is allowed for people who live in Tennessee and who pick up books in person only through our ILL service. Once you fill out a request for ILL, submit it to this email: jwilliams@fisk.edu
Here is the link to the Inter-Library Loan Form: https://fisk.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=53121219